ST HeadSTart: Cat cafe or hair salon as your office – can you get work done?

Welcome to the latest edition of ST HeadSTart, bringing you the best of The Straits Times’ career and personal finance coverage every Monday morning. Sign up here to get weekly tips right into your inbox.

Hello there! I’m Sue-Ann, and for the past several months, my team and I have been working hard to bring you the new version of the HeadSTart newsletter. 

If you are already a subscriber to the newsletter, you might have noticed some changes over the past few weeks. Today marks the official launch of the revamped version of HeadSTart, where on top of a new look and feel, we will also be bringing you fresh elements. This includes a video series titled We Try First, and other interactive and specially curated features and stories.

The We Try First series will feature us getting out of the office and testing out life, career and adulting hacks, and hopefully learning some important lessons on how we can all optimise our adult lives in the process. Which we will also share and reflect upon weekly. 

This week, we test out the idea of working from anywhere. In this day and age, where remote working has increasingly become an option for many, we test out various places touted as new-age "workplaces", to see, apart from working from home, if we can in fact get work done outside of the office. After all, I don’t know about you, but a change of scenery every now and again does wonders for my mental health and productivity.

Remote video URL

I hope you enjoy the new format, and that we can learn together on this journey, while having some laughs along the way. And of course, if you enjoy our content, please consider sharing the newsletter with your friends too! 

Let me know what you think of the new version of the newsletter at

askST Jobs: Do multiple retrenchments reflect badly on you?

An employee may be subject to multiple layoffs due to broader forces such as market conditions, even if their skills are up to scratch.


You need friends and money, not more resilience

Many business gurus touting personal resilience tips offer only half a toolbox, says the writer.


Podcast: Investing in an active ETF or exchange-traded fund

Find out how active ETFs are somewhat different from the traditional product on this podcast. 


Why taking all the cash in joint account may leave you with less

The law could compel the one who took the money to return all or part of it if he cannot show the cash is his.


Maybank becomes first foreign bank to offer fixed deposits for CPF funds

Maybank customers can tap this option to grow their funds for retirement. Chor Khieng Yuit shares how. 


Why you should do less, in a world constantly urging you to do more

Busyness can lead to a counterproductive cycle of stress, burnout, and decreased productivity, says the writer.


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