ST HeadSTart: How to land that dream job | Which jobs will be in demand in 2024?

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Happy New Year!

It’s Sue-Ann here, wishing you a wonderful 2024 filled with success both at work and in life.  

Making New Year’s resolutions may be somewhat passé nowadays, but as we look back at 2023 and into 2024, this is the time of year where many of us take stock of where we are in life. 

I, for one, feel like I’m entering a new chapter, and in the days preceding the new year, I felt some sense of existential dread. I often wonder if I have done enough, or how I can do better, and, to be very honest, my life scorecard is not quite where I thought it would be. 

Speaking to my friends and younger acquaintances, I find that many people experience this same feeling of being somewhat stuck, and wondering how we can continue to grow. While I can’t speak for everyone, a common sentiment among my peers is a desire for some kind of professional change, with many people thinking of looking for new jobs or opportunities in the new year, especially in growth areas such as technology and finance. And with that comes a fear that we don’t quite know how we can achieve these goals. 

So I spoke to a few experts, from academics to recruiters, to find out just how we can up our chances, and of course which industries are most likely to hire in the coming year.

Are you looking for a new job in 2024, and what’re some tips that have worked for you? Tell me more at and also let me know if you have any thoughts on our newsletter’s new look.

I hope you find my learnings useful, and I wish you a big headstart in achieving your goals for the year, whatever they may be. Have an amazing 2024! 


Looking to switch careers? Data released by MOM shows which jobs will be in demand in 2024

Jobs with a technology focus will likely be in demand in 2024.


Wanted: ‘New collar’ workers

“New collar” jobs are those that require advanced skills but not necessarily advanced degrees, and can be found especially in emerging high-tech fields such as artificial intelligence, cyber security, electric vehicles and robotics.


Young & Savvy: Drawn to the shine of US stocks, stability of S’pore shares

While overseas markets have their shine and allure, Singapore stocks also have their advantages, says business correspondent Sue-Ann Tan.


Podcast: We will have you covered, says Manpower Minister Tan See Leng to workers

What’s the buzzword from Singapore’s manpower minister in 2024? Tune in to this podcast to find out.


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